Ergebnis Elektrokoagulation

Which water pollution can be removed by electrocoagulation?


    The RedBOX electrocoagulation system cleans waste water and process water quickly and effectively. Impurities such as

  • Heavy metals
  • Emulsions
  • Cleaning agents
  • Organic compounds or
  • Hydrocarbons
  • are removed from the liquid phase using the electrocoagulation process. The water obtained in this way can be described as unpolluted in many areas.

Electrocoagulation for waste water treatment

Video: Efficient waste water Treatment using the examole of a scrap yard.

Jürgen Berger, Managing Director of Pallatzky GmbH, reports on his experiences with the RedBOX from MORSELT. At its scrap disposal company in Bielefeld, the RedBOX reliably removes emulsions, heavy metals & co. from the heavily pollutes waste water.


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Advantages of electrocoagulation

Clean Advantages also for your waste water

  • Purifies waste water quickly and effectively
  • Environmentally friendly and chemical-free
  • Very easy operation and maintenance
  • Very economical, even with heavily polluted waste water
  • Easy to integrate into existing waste water concepts

For what industries is electrocoagulation recommended?

Successful in your industry as well

  • Paper, metal and related industry
  • Textile industry
  • Paint and varnish industry
  • Tank and container cleaning
  • All industries working with process and waste water
  • Your Industry
SPALECK Elektrokoagulationsanlagen
Electrocoagulation water treatment plant

Water Treatment by electrocoagulation process

Advantages & benefits

Test the electrocoagulation for your waste water now!

Dirk Dünnewald | Technical Sales
Christian Gerner | Technical Engineer
Huzefa Khan Niazi | Technical Engineer
Martin van Unen | Senior Business Development Manager
Coen van Wilgen | Office Manager